Inspection Reports

Ofsted Inspection

Saint Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School had our last Ofsted inspection in November 2022, when we were were judged to be a good school once again.


Comments in the Inspection Report included:

  • Pupils live and breathe the school’s values. In lessons and around school, pupils show care and respect for themselves, their classmates and staff.
  • Leaders think carefully about what they want pupils to learn. They strive to ensure that pupils understand what it is like to live in a global society.
  • Pupils benefit from learning in a school where staff promote values of respect, tolerance and compassion.
  • Pupils willingly share their ideas, knowing that others will listen to what they have to say. 


Catholic Schools Inspection

Saint Cuthbert's Catholic Primary School had our last RE inspection in October 2024, when we were judged to be a good school.

Comments in the Inspection Report included:

  • The Catholic mission of this school is known and lived out by all. One pupil described ‘Love one another as I have loved you’ as their job is to ’See, think and do‘ when someone is in need.
  • Leaders, including governors, are good models of Catholic values, which is evident in their policies. They prioritise the teachings of Jesus, as seen in the development of Catholic social teaching across the school community.
  • Pupils understand the content of religious education lessons and articulate their learning well.
  • Prayer is central to school life for staff and pupils and is part of the structure of the school day. Staff value moments of prayer and give the pupils many opportunities to pray throughout the

Inspection Documents

2024 10 CSI Report St Cuthberts Stechford.pdf .pdf
St Cuthberts RC Primary School OFSTED Report November 2022.PDF .PDF